52492c80d97f0266b29eeb350d9cd984This looks to be an advertisement for a shoe brand. The shoelaces spell out “mine jam,” but I am not sure how it pertains to the shoe itself. The shoes themselves look like Vans. I believe it is for a foreign company because of the text surrounding the shoe.

I believe this was made in photoshop. The shoes were cut out using the selection tools, and the shoelaces were twisted to form text with the puppet warp tool or liquify tool. The shadows were made by with the burn tool. The background looks as though there is some type of texture, so they must have used the paintbrush “color” tool and made the photograph a deep red. They also added a drop shadow to the shoe and laces.

The elements present in this advertisement are color, movement, and line. There multiple shades of red showing dimensionality. The shoelaces show movement by using lines that are curved and swirl around the show. Overall this advertisement look very realistic yet imaginative.